strategic communicator | growth marketer | tech enthusiast
Street Artists Empowerment Project
As a team of three, we spent two months observing street artists in the Union Square neighborhood in San Francisco and idealized possible product ideas that can solve their problems and improve their lives. We conducted in-person interviews and utilized design thinking skills to come up with three ideas to help address their needs.
To gain insight into the opportunities and challenges faced by the Union Square street artists
To create a product adapted to the behaviors, habits, and needs of Union Square street artists
In-depth and in-context interviews
Personal items exercise
“A day in the Life” exercise
Key Research Takeaway
While Union Square street performers benefit from the visibility and spontaneity of street performance, they fear for their safety and financial stability as they age.
Thereby, increased opportunities for Union Square street performers of all ages to sell their work in safe spaces appear to be necessary.
Our Prototypes